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With this compilation of free surfing games, you'll be able to master the waves indefinitely. Surfing simulation games aren't always easy to learn... at first, you need to master the controls and instructions, but then you'll quickly get the hang of your board and be able to keep your balance in the face of the sea's raging movements. String together tricks and rolls to get your score up! Beware: some surfing games add difficulties by asking you to pick up various objects along the way, or by forcing you to avoid obstacles to increase your pressure.

Surf games to play anywhere, anytime

Our list of surfing games makes it easy to play from your browser, your mobile or even your tablet! Choose your favorite board and take to the waves to practice your best tricks. You can also create an avatar, customize your board, choose a spot and even challenge your friends or other players in these surfing games.

With these online games, you can play anytime, anywhere: take a break from work or school whenever you feel like it! So don't wait any longer and join our surfing community! Start playing now and become a professional surfer

The fun of surfing never stops

Think you're already a wave master? Our selection is constantly updated to offer you new experiences and challenges in the world of surfing simulation! Have fun and practice your skills until you become an expert surfer and reach the highest level in each game. Each game takes you to a different spot in the world, each as beautiful as the next. Dreaming of Hawaii? You're there! All you have to do is choose the right wave - it'll make all the difference!

The thrill of competing in the World Surf League

Join the World Surf League competitions to compare your performance with players from all over the world and fight for a place on the podium. Ready to become a pro? Dive into these surf simulation games now and master the waves!

Good luck and have fun!