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Gods of Rugby

KINGS OF RUGBY is a rugby game where you must successfully kick the ball between the goalposts as many times as possible. Your player will be sent to various locations on the field, and you'll need to judge the trajectory and force to use in order to make the ball pass through the posts. On the screen, you'll click once to choose your direction and also the point of contact on the ball displayed at the bottom. It's preferable to hit the ball in the lower area, but we'll leave it up to you to discover the exact spot for an optimal kick. You'll particularly need all the right settings to succeed in the more challenging kicks worth 3 points, including taking the wind into consideration.


Play KINGS OF RUGBY now and test your kicking skills! Get ready to send the ball soaring between the goalposts in this exciting online rugby game. Your player will be positioned in various spots on the field, providing you with a thrilling challenge to judge the trajectory and force needed for each kick. By clicking once on the screen, you can choose the direction and the point of contact on the ball, allowing you to optimize your kicks. Whether it's hitting the lower area of the ball or finding the perfect spot for those tough 3-point kicks, KINGS OF RUGBY will put your accuracy and strategic thinking to the test. Don't forget to factor in the wind for those extra challenging kicks! Join the action now and become the ultimate rugby kicking champion.